Products Details

DiMethyL Formamide (DMF)

DMF is an organic compound with the formula (CH₃)₂NCH. Commonly abbreviated as DMF, this colourless liquid is miscible with water and the majority of organic liquids. DMF is a common solvent for chemical reactions.

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DMF is an organic compound with the formula (CH₃)₂NCH. Commonly abbreviated as DMF, this colourless liquid is miscible with water and the majority of organic liquids. DMF is a common solvent for chemical reactions.


HS Code -  29211110  

CAS No - 68-12-2

Class - 3

Packaging Group - IIIrd

Un No - 2265

Boiling Point: 153 °C

Density: 944 kg/m³

Molar Mass: 73.09 g/mol

Formula: C3H7NO

IUPAC: N,N-Dimethylmethanamide

Melting Point: -61 °C

Application & Usage:

DMF is used in the production of acrylic fibers and plastics. It is also used as a solvent in peptide coupling for pharmaceuticals, in the development and production of pesticides, and in the manufacture of adhesives, synthetic leathers, fibers, films, and surface coatings.



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