Products Details

Benzyl Aldehyde 99.5%

CAS No.: 100-52-7, Molecular formula: C7H6O, This liquid is colourless to yellow in colour. Benzaldehyde has the odour of almonds.

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Benzaldehyde (C7H6O), is the simplest representative of the aromatic aldehydes, occurring naturally as the glycoside amygdalin. This aromatic aldehyde has a distinctive odor and flavor similar to almond oil. This organic chemical compound has numerous industrial applications, including dyes, flavoring agents, perfumes, and the preparation of other organic compounds.

It is slightly soluble in water. Benzaldehyde is completely soluble in alcohol and ether. 

Benzaldehyde is considered to be an aromatic aldehyde.


The industrial usage of benzaldehyde is that it acts as an intermediate in the production of several organic compounds.

Some cosmetic products and personal care products also contain benzaldehyde.

It is used in food and beverages to provide almond flavoring to items.

Another significant use of the odour of benzaldehyde is as a bee repellent.


It is also used in the production of dyes (acridine and aniline dyes), soaps, and perfumes.

It is also used in cakes and baked goods as almond extract.

It is used as a solvent for oils, resins, ethers, etc.

Benzaldehyde is also used in additives like antibacterial and antifungal preservatives.

Manufacturing of Cinnamic acid, Benzoic acid, Photography Chemical.



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