Formalin; formic aldehyde; formal; methyl aldehyde; methylene glycol; methylene oxide; methanol; morbicid; oxamethane; oxymethylene; paraform; polyoxymethylene glycol; superlysoform. Colourless liquid with characteristic pungent odour.
In the manufacturing of phenolic resins, artificial silk and cellulose esters, dyes, organic chemicals, glass mirrors, explosives; disinfectant for dwellings, ship, storage houses, utensils, clothes etc., as a germicide & fungicide for plants & vegetables, improving fastness of dyes on fabrics, tanning & preserving hides;, mordanting & water proofing fabrics; preserving & coagulating rubber latex; in embalming fluids.
In the manufacture of explosives, photographic materials, antiseptic and fumigants; in treatment of pulp & papers; in cosmetics, fertilizers & fuels; in treatment of fur & hair, mouth wash, germicidal soap, lavender water & cologne; sterilization of surgical instruments; as food preservative.
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